
Where to buy the white disposable mask

Fighting COVID-19 Together

There is a shortage of medical face masks. Hospitals are in desperate need of face masks for medical care professionals. If you are staying at home during this crazy time and know how to sew, you can use your time and skills for the greater good by sewing fabric face masks and donating them to your local hospital.

When I read this article, I knew it was something I could help with. I plan to put my fabric stash to good use to help my local hospital prepare for the influx of patients they expect in the coming weeks.

Fabric face masks do not replace medical grade face masks. However, because of the shortage, many hospitals are using them in non-critical areas of the hospital or they are being layered with a medical grade mask.

The CDC is now asking people to wear fabric face masks when they leave home to go about their essential errands like grocery shopping. That means you should make several masks for each member of your family. DO NOT use N-95’s or medical grade masks. Please save those for healthcare workers who are directly in contact with affected patients.

Read the CDC’s guidelines for fabric masks here. In summary, a face mask should meet these requirements:

— Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
— Be secured with ties or ear loops
— Include multiple layers of fabric
— Allow for breathing without restriction

Shop the white mask at online store www.clcarbonlife.com