Aramid Case for iPhone X Wireless Charging Lens Protection
★Made of 100% aramid, a high-tech luxury material for body armor, aero space, supercars.
★Weightless feel. Weight less than 14g. One of the lightest case on the planet.
★Extremely Thin. A slim profile of 0.65mm only.
★Extraordinary scratch resistant, grippy but non-slippy coating
★Ridiculously durable and incredibly strong. 5 times stronger than steel at the same weight.
★No interference to WIFI, GPS, Apple Pay, Wireless charging or your signals.
Aramid Case for iPhone X Wireless Charging Lens Protection
★Made of 100% aramid, a high-tech luxury material for body armor, aero space, supercars.
★Weightless feel. Weight less than 14g. One of the lightest case on the planet.
★Extremely Thin. A slim profile of 0.65mm only.
★Extraordinary scratch resistant, grippy but non-slippy coating
★Ridiculously durable and incredibly strong. 5 times stronger than steel at the same weight.
★No interference to WIFI, GPS, Apple Pay, Wireless charging or your signals.