Are you tired of carrying a bulky wallet every time? Flattery gets you everywhere so its time to separate out your most cards (credit/debit card, business card, oyster card, work pass etc) and keep into a card holder so that you don’t need to carry heavy wallet everywhere with you.
- It is same as your fatty wallet went on a diet: Cardholder is thin as compared to wallets, so it goes unnoticed when slid in pocket. We all know that heavy wallets make your wardrobe appearance embarrassing which is not a sign of gentleman.
- It makes life easier: Card holder comes in various designs. The top notch of it makes the pocket easily accessible to pull out the card, so you won’t struggle much.
Card holders are best for those who are involved in sales. They need to carry business card every time with them because it is the best tool of the trade. But if you’re not a sale personnel that doesn’t mean you don’t need a card holder. In fact, from the top level management to the lower one, all have to carry a business card because it represents your role in the company. But when choosing a card holder for you, it is very important that it is made up of carbon fiber so that it is functional and stylish too. Carbon fiber aka graphite fiber is a polymer, made of strong crystalline carbon filaments, is five times stronger than steel. Carbon fiber is also ideal for the manufacturing of wallets, money clips, cell phone cases, shin guards etc.
Stop using your card holder as a filling cabinet
The reason many people love to carry wallet is their need to carry everything. They use it somewhere to store bills, and receipts that they never look at again! Card holders have limited storage space and are not perfect to store old receipts or bills. The appearance of a good card holder that is made up of carbon fiber is irreplaceable.
Review it regularly!
When you get home don’t forget to review your card holder and empty out the stuff you don’t need more. Sometimes in a hurry people used to deposit cash and coins in their card holders and later forget to take it out back. This habit makes your holder look bad. If you’re a true gentleman, treat your holder as a sacred vessel!
At CL Carbon Life you will see a variety of card holders made up of pure carbon fiber. You have many choices to choose from Groove Carbon Card Holder, Square Carbon Card Holder Wallet, Circular Carbon Card Holder Wallet, and Apple Carbon Card Holder. Simply go to and choose the one which suits you best.